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10-18/01/2017 - Training Course: Game of Cultures: Active Communities for the Inclusion of Young Migrants and Refugees (Portugal)

Αυγ 17, 2016 10:01

What is “Game of Cultures: Active Communities for the Inclusion of Young Migrants and Refugees”?

“Winter” is coming. More than a million migrants and refugees crossed into Europe in 2015, sparking a crisis as countries struggle to cope with the influx, and creating division in the EU over how best to deal with resettling and including people.

7-11/09/2016 - Training Course: Go Visual! Creative education about migration (Poland)

Αυγ 17, 2016 09:36

Due to a few vacant places, One World Association – SCI Poland is looking for applicants for an exciting training course on creative education, including visual facilitation, on the topic of migration and refugees. We have 7 places left in total for the residents of the following countries: Belgium (1), Bulgaria (2), Estonia (1), Germany (2), Greece (1).

7-11/11/2016 - Training Course: "Breaking Barriers: Erasmus+ activities involving young people with disabilities" (Ireland)

Αυγ 16, 2016 10:23

“One in seven people have some form of disability” (No Barriers, No Borders, A practical booklet for setting up international mixed-ability youth projects, SALTO). This is not reflected in participation of young people taking part in the Erasmus+ Programme.

5-9/10/2016 - Training Course: "How the Corporate Social Responsibility can appear in Erasmus+ Youth Programme" (Poland)

Αυγ 16, 2016 10:12

It is an international training course that offers youth leaders, project managers and decision makers in NGOs opportunity to gain useful knowledge and skills how to build cooperation with business sector, with the specific focus on CSR and fundraising.

The ERASMUS+ Program aims to promote synergies, cooperation and cross-fertilisation between the different economic and educational sectors in order to develop new and innovative educational programs, approaches, methods and tools useful in youth work. CSR provides a frame to achieve the above mentioned goals and aims.


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