Energy and the Environment are two subjects linked to the main societal challenges described in the strategic European research project Horizon H2020, namely societal challenges N°3 “Safe, clean and efficient energy” and N°5 “Action for the climate, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials”.
In this context, the European doctoral program in Energy and Environment EDENE is an ambitious multidisciplinary, intersectoral and international project over a period of 5 years offering quality training to a total of 30 international and highly-qualified doctoral students in these fields. Its ambition is to create a working dynamic around innovative subjects on these topics in all disciplines covered by the University of Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (UPPA). Having obtained in 2017 the competitive I-Site Label (Science / Innovation / Territories / Economy Initiative by the French Program ‘Investissements d'Avenir’) for its project Energy & Environment Solutions (E2S), the UPPA's priorities are to attract new talents, to develop international collaborations with targeted universities and to develop the international training offer, mainly in the fields of energy and the environment. This collaborative project also aims to strengthen links with local socio-economic players and cross-border university players, namely the University of Zaragoza, Total, Enedis, Terega, Bertin, the Avenia competitive cluster and the SATT Aquitaine Sciences Transfert.