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Eight (8) PhD Positions, Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis & Stochastics, Germany (2016)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Δευτέρα, Οκτώβριος 5, 2015

MIMESIS – Mathematics and Materials Science for Steel Production and Manufacturing is a European Industrial Doctorate (EID) project in the programme Innovative Training Networks (ITN) and part of Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions within the Horizon 2020 programme.

Driven by the five partners EFD Induction in Norway; SSAB, Outokumpu, and the University of Oulu, in Finland; and Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS, Germany), eight doctoral thesis projects will be jointly carried out, providing a unique interdisciplinary and inter-sectorial training opportunity. The research is focussed on three major topics – induction heating, phase transformations in steel alloys, and gas stirring in a steelmaking ladle.

A successful treatment of the projects requires an understanding of the behaviour of the materials from a materials science and phase transformations perspective. Improved and optimized process control necessitates quantitative mathematical modelling, simulation and optimization of the complex thermal cycles and thermal gradients experienced by the processed material.

Accordingly, the doctoral degree programme offers tailored industrial on-site training, customized courses in physical modelling and testing of steels as well as numerical simulation of induction heating and fluid flow phenomena combined with scientific research on the interface of materials science and applied mathematics. It will provide the early stage researchers with excellent qualifications to pursue a career in academia or industry.

We are looking for 8 post-graduate researchers (Early Stage Researchers – ESR), specialized in Applied Mathematics, Materials Science, or similar. In EID projects a close cooperation with industry is mandatory, and hence a stay of 18 months with the industrial partners is expected and prescribed.

The positions are offered for 3 years for the following individual research projects:

ESR1: Modelling, simulation and optimization of HF-welding.
Host institution: EFD. Scientific partner: WIAS.

ESR2: Simulation and optimization of single- and multi-frequency induction hardening of helical and bevel gears.
Host institution: WIAS. Industrial partner: EFD.

ESR 3: Novel gradient wear materials.
Host institution: University of Oulu. Industrial partner: EFD.

ESR 4: Sensitisation during stainless steel production.
Host institution: University of Oulu. Industrial partner: Outokumpu.

ESR 5: Computational fluid dynamics modelling of ladle treatments.
Host institution: University of Oulu. Industrial partner: Outokumpu.

ESR 6: Optimal control of ladle stirring.
Host institution: WIAS. Industrial partner: SSAB.

ESR 7: Modelling, simulation and optimization of inductive pre- and postheating for thermal cutting of steel plates.
Host institution: WIAS. Industrial partner: SSAB.

ESR 8: Modelling martensite formation and austenite retention.
Host institution: SSAB. Scientific partner: University of Oulu.

Further details:

Επίπεδο Εκπαίδευσης Υποτροφιών: 
Γεωγραφική Περιοχή: 


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