Two 3-yr Postdoc Positions in Climate and Carbon Cycle Science at Augsburg University (Germany).
Position 1:
This postdoc may work on any topic in climate science including but are not limited to
— Extreme events and climate change, climate attribution studies, emergent constraints
— Climate impacts studies (considering interactions of climate change and other environmental changes)
— Changes in large-scale circulation dynamics and links to regional climate change
The scientist will become members of a dynamic team of researchers with ample opportunity for designing their own projects and for networking. The team is strongly involved in international projects and offers in-house expertise on local and large-scale climate change studies with both observational (e.g. satellite Earth observations) and modelling perspectives. Wide opportunities for collaboration exist with research institutions in close proximity in the greater Munich area.
The ideal candidate will have experience in one or more of those areas and should have strong quantitative skills.
Required qualifications:
• PhD (or equivalent international degree) or enrolled in a PhD degree program (or equivalent international degree) at the time of application in any field of geo-, earth system or climate sciences
Preferred qualifications:
• Proficient coding skills in at least one of: R, Matlab, Python, Fortran, IDL
• Good knowledge of specific topics in climate science
• Both numerical and communication skills
• Evidence of ability to publish results in relevant journals
• Ability to work independently and as part of a larger team
The position is offered for three years with the possibility to extend to a maximum of six years and acquire a “Habilitation”. The position includes teaching of 5 hours per week in the study programs of the Institute for Geography.
Position 2:
This postdoc will work on a DFG-funded project, which is focused on identifying mechanisms responsible for the enhanced seasonal exchange of atmospheric CO2 in the northern high latitudes. A key focus of this project will be examining climate and land cover dynamics in the northern latitudes and how these link to changes in the CO2 amplitude at northern monitoring stations. The project will combine high-resolution satellite data (MODIS, Landsat) with modelling tools such as biosphere models and atmospheric transport. The postdoc will also collaborate with the international research teams of Jun.-Prof. Forkel (TU Dresden), Dr. Thonicke (PIK Potsdam), Dr. Rödenbeck (MPI Jena), Prof. Friedl (Boston University) and Dr. Keeling (Scripps San Diego).
Specific duties of the position include:
• Analysis and evaluation of high-res. satellite data and creation of land cover data
• Synthesis of observational and model-based analysis
• Advancing understanding of carbon cycle science in the North
• Presentation of results at scientific meetings
• Publishing of results in scientific journals
• Possible mentoring graduate and undergraduate students
Required qualifications:
• PhD (or equivalent international degree) or enrolled in a PhD degree program (or equivalent international degree) at the time of application in any field of geo-, earth system or climate sciences
Preferred qualifications:
• Proficient coding skills in at least one of: R, Matlab, Python, Fortran, IDL
• Avanced knowledge of climate, plant ecology and/or the carbon cycle
• Both numerical and communication skills
• Evidence of ability to publish results in relevant journals
• Ability to work independently and as part of a larger team
For questions about these two positions please contact Prof. Buermann ( Augsburg University promotes the professional equality of women. Female candidates are explicitly invited to submit their application. Augsburg University stands up for compatibility of family and professional life. For more information, please contact the woman’s representative office. Severely disabled applicants are given preferential consideration in the event of equal qualification. The starting date for both positions is anticipated for Summer 2021 (some flexibility).