A postdoctoral fellowship program has been established for quantum-bio projects at the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience Delft (KIND). KIND Postdoctoral Fellows are high‐profile, two‐year postdoctoral positions with significant independence and resources. The KIND Postdoctoral Fellows program is designed to attract the best and brightest young researchers in nanoscale science to Delft. Fellows will work in partnership with Delft faculty on a nanoscience project that involves both quantum and biological nanoscience research at KIND. Funds for running budget and travel will be available.
The KIND Postdoctoral Fellow program entails:
A competitive salary for the KIND Postdoctoral Fellow for 2 years (one step higher than standard postdoc salaries at TU Delft).
Travel and expendables budget of 5 k€ per year for the KIND Fellow.
Mentoring by the two involved faculty members of KIND.