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9-10/4/2015- 3rd International Law Congress of Youth Maltepe University (Istanbul-Turkey)

Call for Papers

For the 3th International Law Congress of Youth which will take place on April 9-10th in Istanbul, Turkey. The topic has been selected as “Young Approaches to İnternational Dispute Settlement”.

International arbitration has become an essential dispute settlement mechanism for resolving disputes with respect to international trade, commerce and investment. Thus, there are new developments on international dispute settlement mechanisms. In particular, many international arbitration institutions have established and many states have made various amendments in their arbitration and mediation laws in order to reach and provide “arbitration and mediation friendly” environment. Moreover, many law schools around the world, offer a range of international arbitration courses, seminars and conferences so as to examine and discuss these new developments on international dispute settlement.

Why you should participate in this conference?

The 3th International Law Congress of Youth on “Young Approaches to İnternational Dispute Settlement” aims to provide a multinational platform and to combine academic activities with an opportunity to meet the historical and gorgeous city of Istanbul. It would be possible for attendees to visit Istanbul’s modern and historical areas during the city tour which will be offered by organizers of the conference.

Important Dates

Paper submission: March 14, 2015 (17:00PM, GMT+2).
*This early submission deadline is needed so that enough time is available for organizing visas and making travel bookings at lower fares.
Announcement of accepted papers: March 21, 2015 (17:00PM, GMT+2).
Conference Dates: April 9-10, 2015

Participation Details

Please be informed that there is NO participation fee. Participants, who will present their papers, will be hosted at Marma Congress Centre in Istanbul, Turkey. Travel expenses are not covered by the conference.
*For further information on Marmara Congress Centre, please do not hesitate to visit:


*For additional information on registration and updates, please visit , , and .

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