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Junior Researcher at Center for Technology Research and Innovation

Center for Technology Research and Innovation (CETRI) is looking for a motivated Junior Researcher to work on a four-year EU project relating to the deployment of renewable and other green tech in farming. The J-R will undertake very interesting tasks that lead to advanced carrier prospects.

• Development of Market analysis and Business plans defining how results can be implemented.
• Development of Dissemination plan to ensure communication of products & services to proper stakeholders.
• Day-to-day Project Admin tasks (delivery deadlines, reporting, communication with partners, contracts and amendments, etc.)
• Planning and tracking project schedule
• Supervise and execute project related tasks
• Reporting on both technical and management level on the projects on the level of deliverables, technical and management reports

The Ideal Candidate should
• Possess a Bachelor degree in Finance/Marketing/Business Administration or related area and be familiar with the latest technological developments in sustainability/renewable energies
• Be fluent in English (both written and oral)
• Have excellent command of Microsoft Office tools (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
• Be able to manage him(her)self well

Experience gained in R&D entities/departments or within EU Research and Funding Frameworks will be considered a plus.

• Competitive salary
• Possibility for full or part-time contract
• A great opportunity to grow in an attractive sector and work in an innovative environment

Applicants with above qualifications are invited to submit their CV at writing at the e-mail’s subject the following: “Job ad JR name surname”. Letters of recommendation (if any) are welcome. All communication is considered strictly confidential. The most suitable applicants for the position will be invited to interview.

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Επαγγελματική Συμβουλευτική

Συγγραφή Βιογραφικού
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