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Fellowship Program, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University, U.S.A. (2016)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Πέμπτη, Οκτώβριος 15, 2015

The Fellowship Program at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study welcomes fellowship applications in natural science and mathematics.

As a fellow, you will focus on your individual project while benefiting from a dynamic, multidisciplinary community at Harvard University. You will have the opportunity to challenge yourself, the time and space to follow new ideas wherever they lead, and the chance to meet and explore the work of colleagues in other fields. You will have access to Radcliffe conferences and lectures, and Harvard University libraries and other resources including Radcliffe’s Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library, which houses the finest collection of resources for research on the history of women in America.

The Radcliffe Fellowship Program welcomes applications from people of all genders and from all countries. We seek to build a diverse fellowship program.

Since this is a residential fellowship, fellows need to reside in the Boston area and to have their primary office at the Institute and are expected to be free of their regular commitments so that they can participate fully in the life of the community. Fellows may come for the academic year ($75,000 stipend). Additional funds are available for relocation, travel back to the scientist’s home institution, and hiring undergraduate research partners.

Scientists must have a doctorate (received by December 2014) in the area of their proposed project. Scientists must have published at least two articles in journals. This is not intended to serve as a postdoctoral fellowship.

Applicants may not be students in a degree program at the time of application submission. Eligibility guidelines and disciplines can be found at our website. Once you have reviewed this information, you may begin an application on our website via the "Apply through website" button. Any questions can be directed to our staff at

Further details:

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