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To Death with a Smile’ – International Poster Contest, 2015

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Δευτέρα, Οκτώβριος 19, 2015

MUMEDI, the Mexican Museum of Design, represented by the MUMEDI Foundation, call designers, students, teachers, professionals and anyone interested in the subject, to participate in the International Poster Contest “To Death with a Smile” 2015. It is a contest that presents itself as an exercise for good design, destined to stimulate creativity, so everyone might see the diversity and language richness in different cultures around the world, giving by every participant their own special style.

The competition is open to designers in general or people with graphic representation background and anyone interested in the subject from any nationality over 18 years of age. Applicants can enter the contest as an individual or a collective with no more than three participants, in this case a representative must be named. Each participant or group of participants can enter up to 3 entries which must have dimensions 60 x 90 cm in vertical format.

The following prizes will be awarded:

1st Prize
- Apple Mac Air Computer;
- Three-night stay at MUMEDI´s unique Boutique Hotel, meals included in MUMEDI restaurant. Prior reservation and disponibility up to a year after winning the prize. ( 1king size bed, double occupancy);
- Lomography Camera “Sardina Model”;
- A 3,000 pesos ( 180 USD aprox ) gift certificate to buy at MUMEDI Shop specialized design store.

2nd Prize
- Apple iPad Mini;
- Lomography Camera “Fisheye Model”;
- A 2,000 mexican pesos ( 120 USD aprox ) gift certificate to buy at MUMEDIShop specialized design store.

3rd Prize
- Lomography Camera “Pop 9 Model”;
- A 1,000 mexican pesos ( 80 USD aprox ) gift certificate to buy at MUMEDIShop specialized design store.

Popular Selection Prize
- Lomography Camera “Action Sampler Model”;
- A 1,000 mexican pesos ( 80 USD aprox ) gift certificate to buy at MUMEDIShop specialized design store.

A selection of the best 300 or 400 posters will be exhibit at MUMEDI, for a period of 3 to 4 months. And at the end of 2016 the exhibit will travel to Spain and Finland.

Further details:


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