The „Karlsruhe School of Elementary Particle and Astroparticle Physics: Science and Technology (KSETA)“ is the Graduate School of the KIT-Center for Elementary Particle and Astroparticle Physics (KCETA); it is funded by the DFG within the Excellence Initiative since November 2012. KSETA is now accepting applications for several PhD positions starting in July 2015 or later. Our PhD program leads to a doctoral degree in physics, informatics or an engineering discipline.
With more than 400 scientists, KCETA bundles the research activities of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in theoretical and experimental elementary particle and astroparticle physics and is one of Europe’s leading institutions in these fields. The graduate school KSETA offers an inspiring interdisciplinary research environment composed of the fields of cosmic radiation, dark matter, quantum field theory, experimental and theoretical collider physics, experimental and theoretical flavour physics, neutrino physics and computational physics as well as the development of modern technologies necessary for these fields such as superconducting terahertz detectors, analogue and digital electronics, optical transmission technology and parallel signal processing on GPUs. We contribute key components to large-scale research projects such as AMS, Auger, Belle, CMS, EDELWEISS, JEM-EUSO and KATRIN, as well as the German Tier-1 center GridKa.
The graduate school provides an attractive research environment, with subjects for doctoral dissertations at the intersections of experimental and theoretical physics as well as engineering, in particular in the areas electronics, detector instrumentation, sensory, computer science, data management and data analysis. The school augments this with an individually tailored course program for both physicists and engineers.
A Masters or Diploma degree in physics, electronic engineering, computer science or other related discipline qualifying for research at KSETA is required for application.
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