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Stockholm Water Prize: Sustainable Use of Water Resources, 2015

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Τρίτη, Σεπτέμβριος 15, 2015

Celebrating its 25th year, the Stockholm Water Prize is the world’s most respected award for outstanding water achievements. During World Water Week a prize ceremony and Royal Banquet is held at the Stockholm City Hall. During the ceremony, the Laureate accepts the prize from the hands of His Majesty Carl XVI Gustaf, King of Sweden, patron of the prize. The categories in which you can make a nominee are:

Policy and Practices
This broad category covers achievements in the continuum from political initiatives to practical implementation that has improved the governance and management of water, as a natural and economic resource and/or as a human right and basic service. The category includes:

- Human rights, conflict resolution, influence on policies, international cooperation with application in the water sector;
- Sustainable and safe management of water resources;
- Provision of water supply and sanitation services;
- Development and application of appropriate technologies.

A candidate for the Stockholm Water Prize should have attained outstanding achievements of lasting significance for sustainable use and protection of the world’s water resources. The results achieved by the candidate should have proven impact or great potential and provide stimulation for further important contributions to the conservation and protection of water resources and to improved health and well-being of the planet’s inhabitants and ecosystems. Self-nominations or nominations by persons with direct professional or family ties to the candidate are not allowed.

The Laureate receives global acknowledgement and visibility, a specially designed sculpture, and USD 150,000. He or she also has the privilege of presenting a lecture during the Opening Plenary of the World Water Week in Stockholm.

Further details:


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