The Käte Hamburger Kolleg Aachen Cultures of Research (c:o/re) has openings for a total of 10 international fellows for the academic year 2022/2023, starting in October 2022. Eligible applicants are expected to come from the humanities, social sciences and STS as well as from natural, life and technical sciences. This International Center for Advanced Studies at RWTH Aachen University is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Part of its mission is to offer a free space to its fellows to develop their own research and to exchange ideas up to 12 months.
The topic Cultures of Research is positioned where the fields of philosophy, sociology and history interface with natural science and technology. The overall focus of the Center’s work is on transformations of science and technology towards complexity, life-likeness and emergence. Particular interest is in digitalization of research (simulation, artificial intelligence, machine learning) for studying complex systems (e.g. climate change, energy revolution, biologization, sustainability), in participatory arrangements between science and society and in investigating histories and varieties of cultures of research.