Training Course: "ICT&SM4CA - Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and social media (SM) for Civil Action (CA)"
9-16 April 2022 | Hemmersheim, Germany
This is a partnership project for the skills development of participating youth workers/leaders and providing them with competencies of productive use of information and communication technologies and social media tools for civil action.
The main aim of the project is to develop competencies of youth workers to support active civic participation of young people in community contexts through productive use of ICT and social media tools and methodologies.
The project has two main themes: Active civic participation of young people and ICT & Social media, and its main objectives are:
To explore civic participation from participants own experiences, resources and opportunities available to address issues of concern through democratic, civil and civic engagement;
Develop, improve and reinforce the digital skills of the youth workers and how to use them in the context of educating youth using non-formal methodologies;
Explore possibilities for utilization of ICT& social media for youth activism; Reflect on non-formal education, its methods and their applicability within ICT sector and social networks;
Equip the youth workers and the partner organizations with the mindset and the ability of designing workshops tailored to the specific needs of their target;
Develop creative and attractive ways to apply ICT and social media solutions for youth activism, with a special emphasis on civic engagement;
Identify local opportunities for community engagement and to design and develop a booklet for use of ICT's and social media in the local contexts.