Seminar: "Identities and belonging: what does youth work and youth policy need to know about young people today?"
13-14 September 2022 | Offenburg, Germany
In 2022, the series of expert-workshops YOUTH IN EUROPE: OFFENBURG TALKS will focus on the topic ‘Identities and belonging: what does youth work and youth policy need to know about young people today?’. At the workshop, 30 European experts from the fields of youth policy, practice and research will discuss which identities and sense of belonging young people (seek to) have today. It will be explored, how these aspects are generated and which transformations they undergo, which influence individualism, solidarity and communities have, which role youth (sub)cultures and youth milieus play in this process and what ‘home’ in its diverse aspects means to young people today. The findings of the workshop shall inform youth work and youth policy to better support young people in their challenging quest of finding themselves and their home in an increasingly challenging and complex world.