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30/3-4/4/2015- Create in Erasmus Plus ! - Discover Design Thinking (training course) (Luxembourg City, Luxembourg)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Παρασκευή, Ιανουάριος 16, 2015

Training Course

30 March - 4 April 2015 | Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

The main aim of the training is to empower trainers, youth workers and educators for unlocking their creativity using new approach - Design Thinking.

Design Thinking is a methodology for practical, creative resolution of problems or issues that looks for an improved future result. Design Thinking is also the confidence that everyone can be part of creative process for a more desirable future. That kind of optimism is well needed in education (non-formal and formal) and thanks to the proposed methodology - can be fully trained by the educators, teachers, trainers who can afterwards empower young people with creative curiosity.

The participants of the training will have a chance to go through the process of Design Thinking and experience its 5 stages that help to navigate the process of creative solutions finding: Discovery, Interpretation, Ideation, Experimentation, Evaluation.

Thanks to the training the participants will:

- confront their own creativity barriers and come out of the old thinking patterns,

- get to know the tools for energizing their own creative confidence,

- confront their prejudices about failing and mistakes,

- get to know how to create stimulating conditions for creative teams (by e.g. changing the room settings),

- exercise the approach and learn how to apply it while working with young people, educators and trainers in non-formal education,

- translate Design Thinking into their international projects, organizations and communities.

The training course is based on self-directed learning approach: participants will relate to their experiences and needs and share them with their co-learners. In addition they will have a chance to use the indoor and outdoor spaces in an innovative way, adjusting them to their learning needs. After each step they will be empowered to look at the process from meta-level and reflect what can be directly transferred to youth work and the new frame of Erasmus+ Programme.

Πηγή: http:

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Γεωγραφική Περιοχή: 


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