Training Course: "Back to the roots: nature education basics for youth workers"
2-9 June 2023 | Hyvärilä youth and holiday cenre, Finland
The training is based on over 40 years of experience in nature and adventure education, as accumulated by Hyvärilä youth centre. The course inlcudes introduction to safe and sustainable activities in the wilderness: on a forest hike (daytime hike and making food over fire, team activities, and spending the night outdoors in a tent); activities on the lake (boat rowing, canoeing); outdoor sports and survival skills; workshops on biodiversity and green youth work.
Living in nature and connecting with nature, meeting with nature education practitioners, and exchange on greener youth work skiils are parts of the training.
This training suits well if you are considering starting adventue and environmental education studies to get an introduction to the topic. Participants of the training will spend time in an intercultural group of like-mided people, learning about:
- rules and regulations on sustainable and safe hiking,
- group dynamics in the wilderness and water-based activities;
- adventure education tools;
- biodivesity initiatives in youth work;
- being in contact with nature and how it affects wellness;
- how to continue exlporing environmental education.