EVS trainers meeting – From On arrival training to Midterm evaluation pretends to go further in the exchange of information regarding each phase, in order to increase the common understanding through the contribution of the trainers involved in the EVS training cycle of the Erasmus+ programme.
It is a continuation of the Spanish NA strategy to improve the quality of the EVS training cycle, during the presence of the volunteers in the hosting country.
•To improve the quality and coherence of the different phases of the EVS training cycle.
•To actualize and adapt the guidelines of the EVS training cycle.
•To improve the communication among the trainers and facilitators of the EVS training cycle in order to foster the exchange of information and the mutual understanding of the OAT and the MTE.
•To exchange information regarding contents and methodologies applied in the OAT and MTE.
•To work on the contents offered in the different OAT and MTE in order to facilitate a timeline and coherence in the training process.
•To offer open spaces to exchange tools and resources that help us to follow up the volunteers learning process.
•To improve the motivational aspects and the communication ways between the trainers/facilitators involved in the OAT and MTE in order to improve the outcomes of the EVS training cycle.
Contact for questions:
Pilar Fontan
E-mail: tca@injuve.es
E-Mail: fontangp@injuve.es
Phone: +34 91 782 77 50