We are pleased to announce a brand new Wellcome Trust PhD Doctoral Training Centre.
There is joint funding from the Wellcome Trust and the University of Sheffield for a new cohort of 15 PhD students to work on related topics in order to make a step change to the field of Public Health Economics and Decision Science.
This PhD programme is unique in its focus on interdisciplinary public health, health economics, mathematical modelling and statistics.
The work and training will focus on the chronic disease that accounts for the majority of burden of disease in the developed world. Much of this burden is due to avoidable lifestyle behaviours – especially smoking, alcohol consumption, poor diet and physical inactivity.
We aim to attract the highest calibre graduates and equip them to lead research and influence public health policy both through the programme and throughout their career.
Each studentship is generously funded (including higher stipend than standard research council studentships) and includes a 1st year of tailored multi-disciplinary training and a three year PhD research project.
Further details: