Dear students, the Unplag plagiarism checker has launched a scholarship contest to boost your original writing skills! Do you want to share your own experience in fighting plagiarism? Just do it by creating your own essay topic! Everyone who takes part in this contest should submit an essay written in English.
To make your writing vivid and full of interesting details, you can choose any style of the essay and switch on your imagination dwelling on future perspectives of online cheating, technologies that are most likely to stop plagiarism, etc.
Everyone who takes part in this contest should submit an essay written in English following these guidelines:
The essay topic may be either created on your own describing plagiarism in academia issues or chosen from the list below:
- Academic cheating can deprive you of a successful career;
- Being original will soon become a trend;
- Technologies able to fight academic cheating;
- Does online education “promote” academic dishonesty?
- Can plagiarism be eliminated once and for all?
- Plagiarism addiction kills creativity and critical thinking;
- How does the digital age influence plagiarism and cheating?
- Is social networking causing a plagiarism problem?
- Cross-culture differences concerning plagiarism;
- What if some of my educators were found guilty of plagiarism?
- Your essay may be of any style you prefer;
- Your essay should be at least 500-word long;
- Creativity, humor and individual manner of writing are highly appreciated;
- The essay should be original (you can check it here);
Unplag will award a scholarship in the amount of USD 2,000 for the best essay submission. The scholarship will be given to the university or college where the winner is currently studying, so that it could be further used for his or her studying purposes including course related expenses, books and supplies, etc.
Further details: