Four positions are available and each Post doctor is expected to work on research projects in one of the founding groups, while maintaining a high level of collaboration across the Center. Successful candidates can have a background relevant to the focus of chemistry of life, which may be in bioinformatics, mass spectrometry (MS), nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR), single-particle cryo-electron microscopy (EM) of biological material, protein crystallography, biochemistry, analytical chemistry, or organic chemistry; all applied to either small molecules, such as lipids, peptides, synthetic compounds and metabolites, or to large molecules, such as proteins and RNA in a biological context. In addition to working in a highly interdisciplinary setting and within the research groups of Lanekoff, Erdelyi, Petzold, and Westenhoff, the candidates will have the opportunity to influence the undertaken projects. The selected projects will be on the central theme “chemical mechanisms of life” and may range from elucidating the circadian clock machinery to ribosome regulation and deciphering molecular interplay in cellular membranes.