This call plans to recruit up to 10 international post-docs who can contribute to one or other of these projects.
The post-doctoral position should be for 24 to 30 months, and should bring a new and original momentum to the site, complementing existing strengths and enriching one of the existing emerging projects with highly original and exciting research objectives.
The aim of this call is to welcome young researchers who can contribute to one or other of the above projects in an original, and even unexpected, way in relation to the current mapping of skills present on the Lorraine site. There is therefore no predefinition of the host project, nor have the host projects predefined the topics on which they would be willing to host a postdoc.
The selection panel will take the following factors into account:
Scientific excellence of the applicant
Originality and relevance of the proposed scientific project
Contribution of the proposed project to one or several of the existing or emerging projects.
Compatibility of the candidate and his/her project with the site's research structures – in balance with the previous point, we still wish to recruit post-docs who fit naturally into an adequate research environment. Candidates are not, however, asked to pre-identify one single host research structure, although they are not forbidden to mention any links or knowledge they may have of the site's research groups.