Freedom of information is a human right. It is also an integral part of the fundamental human right of freedom of expression “to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers”. Freedom of information is also a precondition for informed public participation in governance and in the democratic process.
On World Press Freedom Day (WPFD2016) on the 3 May 2016, UNESCO wants to put a spot light on the importance of freedom of information and the need to create a culture of openness and transparency by running a contest to create the “global look” for the visual identity of WPFD2016. The global thematic of the WPFD 2016 is “This Is Your Right! Access to Information and Fundamental Freedoms”
The contest is open to all interested designers.
Winner of the competition will be remunerated to create the “global look” for World Press Freedom Day 2016 for print and online uses. Honorable mention for the top 19 submissions. Selected submissions will be featured on UNESCO’s dedicated website for the Day.
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