Gran Sasso Science Institute has published the new call for the 40th cycle of the PhD. 42 scholarships are available (one more than last year), for the four academic programmes: 10 for Astroparticle Physics, 10 for Computer Science and 10 for Regional Science and Economic Geography; 12 for the Mathematics in Natural, Social and Life Sciences program. 2 Math's grants are financed within the two ERC - European Research Council projects: 1 for the CardioTrials project and 1 for the MatCh project.
The new call provides for a gross annual scholarship of 16,243 euros; accommodation in the GSSI facilities or a financial contribution, food and other benefits listed in the call. The application for admission must be completed using exclusively the online procedure available on the GSSI website at Applications for participation received in any other way are not accepted. The official language of the PhD courses is English.