Training Course: "Well-BEEing - Ecosystemic practices for youth mental wellness"
17-22 June 2024 | Spain
Living in an era where the health crisis, isolation and individualism not only affects our bodies, but also our cultures and planet Earth, we recognize the urgency of addressing mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being through an educational-experiential approach.
The purpose is to create a space of well-being and personal growth that strengthens social connections as a source of health and community transformation for social change. The project is based on the systemic vision and the power of collective intelligence, recognizing the interconnection between personal and community well-being.
The training course focuses on promoting emotional health, communication, conflict transformation and stress management, both individually and collectively. We will explore with great curiosity the different archetypes that live within us and in our networks to promote the authentic expression of each person as part of community development. Within the concept of learning by doing, we will create a safe, open and interactive learning environments using methods as embodiment practices, storytelling, nature-based experiences, social theatre with systemic views, creative expression, sound work, movement and more.