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Engineering Doctorate in Autonomous Systems

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Κυριακή, Ιούνιος 2, 2024

The EngD is a two-year post-master program that trains you to address real-world technological challenges in industries or society. It provides participants with both academic and practical training and serves as an opportunity for individuals passionate about practical problem-solving to kick-start their careers in the Dutch high-tech industry.

During the first year of the EngD program, participants undergo comprehensive training to prepare them with the necessary skills and knowledge. It includes a series of modules on Systems Engineering, covering fundamental concepts in mechanical engineering, computer science, and artificial intelligence. Additionally, participants explore specialized topics such as cyber-physical systems, robotics control systems, and nonlinear control systems, enhancing their expertise in these areas. The first year also includes a 10-week industry project, enabling participants to apply their skills directly to real engineering challenges. Subsequently, the program extends into a one-year internship at high-tech companies, further sharpening participants' abilities to address complex engineering problems effectively.

In addition to technical coursework, the program emphasizes developing professionalization skills essential for success in the engineering field. Participants refine their abilities in writing and presentation skills, project management, leadership, teamwork, data analysis, and research methods. They also have the opportunity to enhance proficiency in the Dutch language (in the case of international candidates) and select additional courses from PhD programs at the University of Groningen, 4TU courses, or online resources.

Γεωγραφική Περιοχή: 
Erasmus Placements: 


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