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Funded traineeships for young graduates at the EU Delegation to the United Nations

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Κυριακή, Ιούνιος 9, 2024

Traineeships of up to 6 months within the following sections of the EU Delegation to the United Nations, starting in October 2024:

Section 1 - Traineeship in the Political Affairs and Security Council:
dealing with these subjects including the activities of the United Nations relating to international peace and security, including peacekeeping, peacebuilding, and non-proliferation/disarmament issues, in particular at the Security Council and General Assembly, and coordinates as appropriate the position of the EU and its Member States in these fora.

Section 2 - Coordination, Press and Information:

which ensures policy coordination across thematic sections (including contacts with the UN Secretariat, EU Headquarters, briefings and reports, etc.), organises the EU Ambassadors meetings and diplomatic outreach with the wider UN membership, coordinates EU positions and negotiates processes at the General Assembly plenary (including Our Common Agenda and the Revitalization of the GA), and conducts all press, information and public diplomacy activities of the EU at the UN.

Section 3 – International Partnerships and Sustainable Development:
dealing with this subject, which covers the main social, economic, financial and sustainable development related topics of the 2030 Agenda, and their geopolitical context, discussed within the UN General Assembly and specifically its 2nd Committee, the UN Economic and Social Council and the boards of the UN funds and programmes.

Section 4 - Human Rights and Social Affairs:
The team is responsible for issues relating to human rights and social affairs, which is dealt with in the Third Committee (3C) of the UN General Assembly. This includes discussions and negotiations on a wide range of issues relating to gender equality and advancement of women, protection of children, indigenous issues, racism and racial discrimination, persons with disabilities, death penalty, crime prevention, criminal justice, international drug control as well as some country situations. During the intense 3C session that takes place during 8 weeks in the fall, the EU delegation is the penholder of three resolutions and coordinates EU Member States joint statements in debates and interactive dialogues as well as EU positions in negotiations on around 60 resolutions adopted by the Committee, in line with EU’s strong policies and commitment to protect, promote and fulfil human rights.

Section 5 - UN Horizontal Issues, UN Budgets, Management and Reform:
The Fifth Committee (5C) is the main committee of the UN General Assembly responsible for the implementation of mandates and the proper functioning of the UN.

The EU Member States collectively are the largest financial contributor to the UN (±24%). The role of the EU in the 5C consists in coordinating the EU Member States to promote a common position in 5C negotiations, and representing the 27 Member States in the 5C. 5C provides a unique platform for close contact with all UN officials, and the EU plays a major role in ensuring that all mandates gets the necessary funds to be fully implemented, and in supporting UN managers and other Member States in building a more effective Organization.

Topics this year will include: the funding of the resident coordinator system, the triennial negotiation of Member States contribution level (scale), the UN support of African led peacekeeping operations.

Section 6 – Legal and Institutional Affairs, Counter-terrorism and Sanctions:
dealing with these subjects, discussed within the 6th Committee of the UN General assembly. The Legal Section follows developments on:

UN legal affairs, in particular the work of the UNGA 6th Committee, as well as Law of the Sea, international courts and tribunals
Accountability issues (state responsibility for internationally wrongful acts, individual criminal responsibility, investigation mechanisms etc.)
UN sanctions, in particular the relevant UN Security Council resolutions and their implementation in the EU legal system
UN counter-terrorism activities
The Legal Section also provides legal advice to the Delegation on all EU and UN legal and institutional matters.

Γεωγραφική Περιοχή: 
Erasmus Placements: 


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