Standard traineeship
5-month traineeships for young graduates, running from 16 February until 15 July (Spring traineeships) or from 16 September to 15 February (Autumn traineeships).
Trainees are selected from nationals of the EU Member States. However a limited number of citizens from third countries (including the UK) may be accepted.
Applicants must
have obtained a full undergraduate academic degree, or have completed at least the third year of higher education (university or equivalent), by the closing date for applications;
have a thorough knowledge of one official EU language and a satisfactory knowledge of French or English.
Candidates who have already received more than 8 weeks of in-house placement (whether paid or unpaid) in a European institution, body, delegation or representative office or who have had any form of employment in a European institution or body shall not be accepted
CoR-trainees are entitled to a monthly grant (approx. 1418euros/month).
Applications are to be made exclusively via the Internet.
The on-line application form is available here .