15 PhD positions are available in the Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks and European Training Networks (ITN-ETN) program oCPS (Platform-aware Model-driven Optimization of Cyber-Physical Systems) in a multidisciplinary doctoral program.
Many modern industrial systems fall in the realm of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) because of the tight interaction between computation, communication and control elements (the cyber part), and physical processes such as motion, heating/cooling, vibration, wear and tear (the physical part) within these systems. The key scientific objective of the oCPS program is to enable the design of a new generation of cost-effective, quality-driven and reliable CPS by developing model-driven design methods that capture the interaction between different models at various design layers, that take into account physical constraints and processes, and that introduce awareness of the hardware/software implementation platform at all levels. The program aims to train a generation of young researchers in cross-disciplinary thinking and deliver industrially validated engineering tool chains. We bring together the state of the practice through key industrial players, including SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises), and the state of the art through top universities and research institutes across Europe.
oCPS will offer an excellent multidisciplinary training program through personal career development plans for each PhD student to train scientific, personal and transferable skills. Quality of supervision will be ensured by a co-supervision system. Each PhD student will do two secondments at other oCPS participants; at least one of these will be industrial. The graduates will become the architects of CPS application domains such as robotics, healthcare systems, automotive systems, energy systems, low-power imaging and industrial automation.
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