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PhD Candidates in circularity and upcycling of timber related materials and products

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Κυριακή, Ιανουάριος 12, 2025

At the Department of Manufacturing and Civil Engineering in Gjøvik, we currently have two (2) full-time doctoral (PhD) candidate positions linked to the newly established research project CIRCULess, The duration of each PhD position is three years. The project is funded by the Horizon Europe programme and coordinated by NTNU. The project is dedicated to the recycling, upcycling, circularity and waste management of End-of-Life (EoL) concrete and timber-based materials and components. Through these positions, you will find an exceptional portfolio of industrial and academic partners from Norway and Europe, across a variety of sectors. The successful candidates will join the Group for Sustainable Composites led by Prof. Sotirios Grammatikos and Group of Digitalization for a Sustainable Built Environment, led by Prof. Lizhen Huang. The Department of Manufacturing and Civil Engineering is in possession of state-of-the-art research facilities for manufacturing, testing & characterization, non-destructive evaluation, and recycling, as well as advanced software and digital facilities for design, modelling and analysis. NTNU in Gjøvik is an important research hub in Norway, with a strong portfolio of running (national and EU) projects and significant ongoing collaborations with the industry. NTNU in Gjøvik is a campus of NTNU, located close to Raufoss Industrial Park, Mustad Industrial Park and Sintef Raufoss Manufacturing.

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