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Eleven (11) PhD Positions for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovation Training Network BioSmartTrainee, Europe (2016)

The BioSmartTrainee as a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovation Training Networks (ITN-ETN) funded in HORIZON 2020 is recruiting 11 Early stage Researchers (ESRs) for research positions in the frame of a PhD doctoral programme, targeting a PhD degree. Applicants are encouraged to apply for any one of the 11 positions. Applicants shall meet the Marie Curie ITN eligible rules.


In BioSmartTrainee 10 partners (3 from Industry, 4 universities and 3 Research institutions) from 5 different countries will train 11 young researchers in the field of Bio-Inspired Design of Smart Adhesive Materials.

Adhesion to wet, rough and contaminated surfaces is a formidable challenge. To develop novel strategies for controllable adhesion in wet environments, it is essential to derive inspiration from biological adhesive systems, which have developed manifold adaptations to such conditions over millions of years of evolution. Yet, fundamental understanding of the mechanisms of adhesion in wet environments is still lacking and the design of mature underwater adhesives remains challenging.

BioSmartTrainee is set up to provide such training by a combination of three complementary scientific fields: polymer science, adhesion and (fluid)-biomechanics. We aim to (i) extract principles from biological systems and mimic them to design synthetic materials; to (ii) experimentally test their adhesion properties in wet conditions and to (iii) clarify the adhesion mechanisms based on natural examples and theoretical modelling. These innovative adhesives will be useful for reversible attachment to a variety of surfaces in wet environments and, therefore, be highly relevant for products from European industry such as technological adhesives, coatings, tissue adhesives, wound dressings or transdermal delivery devices. This carefully planned research and training program in a network of leading academic and industrial (BASF, AkzoNobel, URGO) partners will ensure that young researchers are given an excellent training in a pioneering research domain of high scientific and technological relevance, where Europe can take a leading position. Our activities will thus encompass a level of diversity, complementarity, interdisciplinarity and excellence.


11 ESR PhD positions are offered by the Consortium of chemists, physicists and biologists related to strong complementary and inter-disciplinary projects involving different state-of-the-art methodologies and technologies:

POLYMER SCIENCE: Synthesis of bio-inspired smart materials with tunable adhesion;

ADHESION: Experimental testing of adhesion under wet/underwater conditions;

(FLUID)BIOMECHANICS: Clarifying mechanisms of wet adhesion based on natural examples and theoretical modelling.

ESRs will visit and carry out research at academic and industrial partner groups within the EU Biosmart Project to learn new characterization techniques and approaches. Each ESR will attend the following training activities within the BioSmartTrainee project: Training on advanced local courses; Network-wide multidisciplinary training activities within Training Schools (scientific courses and soft skills); International conferences; Secondments by different partners.

Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Polymer Physics, Material Science, Physics, Chemical or Mechanical Engineering

Further details:

Επίπεδο Εκπαίδευσης Υποτροφιών: 
Γεωγραφική Περιοχή: 


Επαγγελματική Συμβουλευτική

Συγγραφή Βιογραφικού
Σύνταξη Επιχειρηματικού Σχεδίου

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