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Twelve (12) PhD Positions in Conservation of Forest Biodiversity, University of Freiburg, Germany (2016)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Κυριακή, Ιανουάριος 17, 2016

The DFG- funded Research Training Group ConFoBi “Conservation of Forest Biodiversity in Multiple-use Landscapes of Central Europe” (RTG 2123) invites applications for 12 Ph.D. positions (salary scale TV-L E13, 65%; including social benefits) for a three-year structured Ph.D. programme. The Research Training Group is based at the University of Freiburg, Germany ( and positions will start at the 1.7.2016.

The Research Training Group ConFoBi offers an inter- and transdisciplinary biodiversity research and qualification programme which draws its novelty from the combination of multi-scale ecological studies on forest biodiversity with social and economic studies of biodiversity conservation (for more details see

We invite applications from highly motivated candidates who have a background in at least one of the scientific disciplines represented in this Research Training Group. These comprise These comprise Wildlife Ecology, Conservation Genetics, Functional Biodiversity Research, Vegetation Ecology , Silviculture, Remote Sensing, Forest Policy, Environmental Governance, Forest Economics, Environmental Systems Analysis. A strong interest in interdisciplinary research and the willingness to engage in scientific exchange with other disciplines is essential. Successful applicants will (1) hold a M.Sc. degree (or equivalent) in a relevant discipline, (2) have experience with methods and/or organisms relevant to the Research Training Group, (3) very good statistical and analytical skills (4) excellent English language skills, and (5) will be motivated to join and actively contribute to an inter- and transdisciplinary research training environment.

Further details:

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