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PhD Programme in Integrated Management of Water, Soil & Waste, United Nations University & Technische Universität Dresden, Germany (2016)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Δευτέρα, Φεβρουάριος 29, 2016

The United Nations University (UNU-FLORES) and the Technische Universität Dresden invite applications from graduates in engineering, social sciences and natural sciences for their joint PhD Programme in Integrated Management of Water, Soil and Waste. The main objective of the PhD programme is to provide graduate students with detailed knowledge, critical understanding, strategies and tools to take an interdisciplinary and integrated approach towards the management of water, soil and waste.

The joint PhD programme aims at creating a new generation of environmental scientists, engineers and managers to conduct, promote and provide guidance on the sustainable management of water, soil and waste. These resources and their sustainable management are of concern to the United Nations and its member states, particularly to developing countries and emerging economies.

The PhD programme includes mandatory and elective courses. The courses can further be categorized into thematic courses (to be taken in the first and second semester) and methodological courses. In addition, students have the opportunity to take courses at the recently established Graduate Academy of TUD. Courses and workshops offered in the framework of the Graduate Academy are of short duration (typically 1-2 days) and without credits.

The programme is tuition-free. Applicants are responsible for all other expenses accrued during the duration of their participation in the programme. The programme does not offer scholarships. We are pleased to invite qualified applicants in the following two categories to apply for our joint PhD degree programme:

- Those who have already secured sponsorships and scholarships;
- Those who are qualified and need pre-admission to apply for other scholarships (e.g. DAAD).

Applicants are required to have basic knowledge in undergraduate level physics, chemistry and mathematics with a Bachelor’s degree in one of the following fields:

- Engineering
- Natural Sciences
- Social sciences
- Other closely related field

All applicants are also required to have a research-based Master’s degree in environmental resource management. Experience related to the nexus of water, soil and waste or environmental resource management will be considered an asset. The official working language of the programme is English, therefore applicants must demonstrate proficiency.

Further details:

Επίπεδο Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών: 
Γεωγραφική Περιοχή: 


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