Trainer Skill Workshop - IT Tools is a 3 day intensive workshop supports trainers experienced in international youth work, in the development of their knowledge and skills on using IT tools in the youth work field.
Aims of this Trainer Skill Workshop:
Support the professional development of trainers by extending their critical understanding of using IT tools in training courses for youth workers and in the work with and for young people.
- Offer a space for peer learning amongst trainers experienced in international youth work
- Learn about and test IT tools useful to support trainers in the implementation of training courses for youth workers, including preparation and follow up phases
- Learn about and test IT tools useful for youth workers to work with and for young people.
This Activity is organized by the "Trainer Competence Development” project ( . The NAs from Austria, Estonia, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands and Poland in cooperation with the SALTO Training and Cooperation RC are implementing this long term cooperation project to support the competence development of and for trainers in the youth field.
The first workshop of this kind for advanced trainers will be implemented in February 2016 and will focus on Evaluation and Impact Assessment. For more information check