In order to promote the attendance of international students in its degree programmes, the University of Bologna has funded 40 study grants for international students registering for A.Y. 2016-17 to the First, Single and Second Cycle Degree Programmes at University of Bologna, divided as follows:
- 8 study grants for students registering in First Cycle and Single Cycle degree programmes;
- 32 study grants for students registering in Second Cycle degree programmes.
- The qualifications for admission to the chosen First, Single or Second Cycle degree programme were obtained in an institution outside of the Italian education system, after at least two years of attendance.
- If the qualification for admission is a one year title, the prior qualification will be considered too;
- Applicants’ citizenship is not considered;
- Fulfilment of the access requirements foreseen for the chosen degree programme or will fulfil such requirements at the time of registration;
- Not students at the University of Bologna of First, Single or Second Cycle degree programmes;
- Have not already benefited from the study grant Unibo Action 2;
- they are not 30 years or older.
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