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PhD Scholarships in Diamond Science & Technology, University of Warwick, UK (2016)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Τρίτη, Μάιος 3, 2016

Applications are invited from graduates in the physical sciences, life sciences and engineering, for four-year studentships with the Diamond Science and Technology (DST) Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT). The DST CDT involves a consortium of eight universities and over thirty companies keen to exploit the vast potential of diamond. The four year studentships are made up of a one year MSc at the University of Warwick and a linked three year PhD at one of the partner institutions (Aberystwyth, Bristol, Cardiff, Oxford, Imperial, Newcastle, Strathclyde, Warwick).

The DST CDT provides a coherent training programme for doctoral students in Diamond and related material disciplines. Research themes span quantum technologies, measurement and sensing, photonics, electronics, manufacturing and new physical sciences for healthcare. For further information on the PhD Projects available please visit Available project titles are listed below:

- Superconducting Diamond Growth for Quantum Bits
- Controlling Surface Properties of Diamond for Electronics and Quantum Technology
- Accurate Electronic Structure Calculations of Diamond: Quantum Dots and Defect Energies
- First Principles Modelling of the Excited State and Simulated Spectroscopy
- Processing and Controlling Quantum Information in NV Centre Architectures
- Investigations of Catalytic and Optical Behaviour of Nanodiamond Aerosols and Thin Aerosol Films
- Experimental and Computational Studies of CVD Diamond Growth
- Optical Properties of Large-Area CVD Diamond
- Multidimensional Imaging and Spectroscopy of Diamond
- Boron Doped Diamond Micro- and Nano-Particles for Electrochemical Applications
- A Study of the Relaxation Dynamics of Local Vibrational Modes Associated with Hydrogen in Diamond
- Tunable Optical Resonators with Embedded Diamond Defect Centres for Quantum Technologies

For more informaiton, please visit:

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