Training Course explores the main concerns on social inclusion and marginalization and how to use audio-visual and multimedia tools for promoting inclusion, sharing information and advocacy regarding marginalization of youth in online and “offline” communities.
- Reflecting and exchanging opinions about inclusion/exclusion and social rights in different European countries
- Achieving common understanding of different aspects, concepts and values of youth work and/for inclusion, including learning about social rights, social inclusion and obstacles with different reference points: employment, discrimination, racism, diversity, xenophobia, poverty, access to education and training, quality services etc.
- Defining our target groups of youth with fewer opportunities and exploring needs and consequences of socially excluded (youth) groups around us, in order to be able to improve situations towards more inclusive society-
- Exploring existing policies on Fundamental/Human Rights in Europe and understanding their connection and implications to youth work for inclusion/social rights in our countries
- Empowering youth workers for social media campaigning for further increasing participation of young people for advocacy on social rights for equal opportunities and inclusion
- Discussing and understanding how EU social inclusion policies influence our countries being members of EU or having (potential) candidate status to EU and how we can use those in social media campaigning for inclusion and social rights
- Creating specific social media campaigns and action plans to be implemented on local levels after the training course
- Introducing Erasmus+ Youth in Action programme and the European Youth Foundation and developing new projects and future European level cooperation among partners with the topics of social media and/for inclusion and human/social rights.
The training course is based on the approach and principles of non-formal education and will use a lot of insights from the SALTO booklets, EU policy documents and T-kits of the Partnership programme of EU and CoE. The course is designed as an open learning process based on participants’ experience and exchange.
The language of the training course will be English.