Media and most of all new media are taking a significant place in lives of the youth. Media are becoming their way of expression, socializing tool and a source of information, which strongly form their point of view at the World and reality.
Media active on internet are becoming a tool for disinformation spreading, halftruths and hateful statements against the members of ethnical groups, minorities or others.
The main activity of the project Zoom on Interculturality is a Training Course with 20 participants from 10 different countries. The aim is to increase a level of quality of intercultural education through increasing media literacy.
The main aims of the course are:
- to increase participant´s competencies in leading activities, which expand knowledge of the youth about prejudices and stereotypes, discrimination, hate speech, ability to recognize and actively take action against,
- to expand media education knowledge of the participants and increase their ability in creating of activities, which support the youth´s critical thinking on media,
- to increase participant´s knowledge about non-formal education and their ability to use this methodology while working with the youth
- increase skills of the participants in active use of medias and their ability to share these skills with the youth,
- to exchange knowledge, experience and skills on how to use medias better in term of propagation of international projects for the youth.
The course is designed as a non-formal education activity, using holistic attitude. The participants will exchange their experiences, gain new knowledge and skills through simulations, role play, exercises, discussions, reflection exercises and group games,
-profile of participants: youth workers, youth leaders or active volunteers,
-ability to communicate and work in English,
-capability and willingness to participate actively in follow up,
- at least one of the participant per organization have to have previous experience in use of different promotional tools as video, photography, social media or blog.
The training course is accepting the applications ONLY from these countries: Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, France, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Slovak Republic, Spain.
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“Zoom In Interculturality”