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26-30/09/2016 - Mentoring for mentors. Share, focus and learn - quality mentorship training course (Turkey)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Κυριακή, Ιούνιος 19, 2016

Mentoring for mentors training gathers together EVS mentors from program countries and South-Med countries and aims to develop their work as well give them new strength and confidence to work as a mentor.

Mentoring for mentors training provides the participants a detailed outline for the core mentoring skills e.g. relationship, practical, pedagogical and cultural awareness skills.

The training is based on learning from one’s own work by sharing one's own experiences with others. During the process the participants learn to understand different phenomena of their work as well as their own relationship with them. This enables them to clarify their work goals and develop suitable ways to achieve them. In the training the participants develop their own work and know-how by sharing experiences, listening others and building shared knowledge. Throughout the training participants are familiarized with mentorship skills.

Different dialogue techniques are used to enhance dialogical communication and reflection.

Mentor for mentors is the first training course specific for EVS mentors from South-Med and program countries together.

The main aims of the training are:
- To provide opportunities for Mentors to share their previews experiences as EVS mentors
- To develop their professional profile as EVS mentors
- To introduce new approaches to support a learning process of EVS volunteer.

Profile: We are looking for participants who:
- would like to improve their skill as a Erasmus+ EVS mentor
- are active EVS mentors
- have at least one experience of long term EVS-process as Mentor
- are representatives of accredited organisations
- are ready to self reflect their experiences as mentors and sharing them with colleagues in the training course
- are more that 18 years.

Read More:
Mentoring for mentors: Share, focus and learn - quality mentorship training course

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