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Five (5) PhD Positions, Faculty of Humanities, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands (2016)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Δευτέρα, Αύγουστος 15, 2016

Applications are invited for five PhD fellowships at the Faculty of Humanities, tenable from 1 November 2016 (4 years, 0.8 FTE).

The wide range of research covered by the Faculty of Humanities is organised in five research schools, which together form the Amsterdam Institute for Humanities Research ( Each research school covers an important research area within the faculty:

- Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication (ACLC)
- Amsterdam School for Regional, Transnational and European Studies (ARTES)
- Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA)
- Amsterdam School of Historical Studies (ASH)
- Amsterdam School for Heritage, Memory and Material Culture (AHM)

The Faculty of Humanities also participates - besides the Faculty of Sciences - in the:

- Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC)

Each school/institute has its own research programme. Research schools/institute are also the home base for PhD candidates, who interact with each other and with senior members in the research groups that make up the research school.

Tasks will include:
- Completion and defence of a PhD thesis within the contract period;
- regular presentation of intermediate research results at workshops and conferences;
- participation in the UvA PhD training programme.


Applicants must have a completed Master’s degree in a field relevant to the proposed PhD project and the research areas of the AIHR/ILLC before the start date of the fellowship.

For more information, please visit:

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