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ΕSR Research Fellow, Chemical Process & Energy Resources Institute, Centre for Research & Technology (CERTH)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Τετάρτη, Ιούνιος 22, 2016

CERTH is classified among the Research Centers of Excellence in Greece and employs a scientific staff of about 250 people, while its inflows is around to 21 million €/year.
The development strategy of CERTH has been based on establishing strategic collaborations with Industry and developing strong links with Research Centers and Universities within the European Research Area (ERA) and contributing to the training of young scientists and engineers in state-of-the- art technologies. CPERI carries out fundamental and applied research, emphasizing on development of novel products and services for alternative solid fuels and their residues, such as:
• “Cleaner” coal pyrolysis/gasification and combustion technologies
• Innovative environmental management methods, focused on CCS technologies, pollutants minimization and utilization of byproducts
• Energy exploitation of alternative fuel sources
• Development of novel CFD methodologies to keep up with the complexities of multiphase flow phenomena appearing in relevant technological areas.

PhD topic that is offered (ESR2):

ESR2 Project Title: Droplet cluster break-up characterisation under evaporating conditions.

Objectives: (1) Characterise the increased surface area and vaporisation rate for the same droplet clusters as ESR1 including vaporisation. (2) Derivation of relevant SGS models

Expected Results: Vaporisation rate models suitable for conditions will be implemented in the DNS solver of ESR1 and will simulate the break-up of droplet clusters under evaporating conditions. A SGS model describing the vaporisation rate and surface area increase during these processes, in a form suitable for implementation to the LES-PDF code will be suggested. Parametric studies will be performed for fuels and operating conditions relevant to Diesel sprays and oil burners.

Additional information for the better understanding of the objectives

ESR1 Project Title: Droplet cluster break-up characterisation under non-evaporating conditions.

Objectives: (1) To characterise using DNS the dynamics of dense droplet clusters. (2) Derivation of relevant SGS (sub-grid-scale) models

Expected results: The dynamics of droplet clusters consisting of pre-defined arrangements of spherical as well as non-spherical droplets and ligaments will be simulated using DNS. Simulations will be performed for a range of clusters having as variables the number of droplets, their proximity and shape. Non-evaporating conditions will be considered. A SGS model that describes the change in liquid surface because of droplet dynamics in a droplet cloud will be proposed for Weber and Reynolds numbers referring to conditions representative of the industrial applications considered in this Project. The SGS model will be applied to the case of an oil burner.

For an informal discussion you may wish to contact Ilias Malgarinos and/or Nikolopoulos Nikos:

Telephone: +30 211 1069 506/509 (central: 500)

Further details:

Επίπεδο Εκπαίδευσης Υποτροφιών: 
Γεωγραφική Περιοχή: 
Επισυναπτόμενο αρχείο: 


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