The European Youth Award (EYA) selects and promotes best European innovative students, and social entrepreneurs, start-ups, designers, producers, application developers, journalists and writers, who create digital projects with impact on society addressing the goals defined by the Council of Europe and Europe 2020.
Innovative students and young people under 33 (born on or after January 1, 1983), from one of the member states of the Council of Europe, Belarus or Kosovo can enter their projects on the seven categories:
1. Healthy Life: nutrition, healthcare, med tec
2. Smart Learning: education, e-skills, open science, infotainment
3. Connecting Cultures: language, travelling, diversity, new communities
4. Go Green: sustainable energy, mobility, smart cities, climate change
5. Active Citizenship: citizen journalism, social cohesion, human rights, (wo)men empowerment
6. Money Matters: financial literacy, employment, fundraising, fin tec
7. Open Innovation: disruptive apps, entertainment, crazy stuff, digital magic.
8. Special Category 2016: migration | integration | inclusion | refugee movement.
The submitted product or application must be completed after 1 January 2015 (for a project or product completed earlier the submitters have to document that significant alterations and/or improvements and/or additions have been made in the period thereafter).
The submitted project, product or application must be fully functional and operational at the time of submission and must be accessible via Internet whether it is designed for fixed line, broadband or mobile use.
In case of multiple submissions from one and the same submitters, each product, project or application requires a separate registration and release form.
In each of the categories there will be three winners.
One producer or representative of the winning project has to accept the invitation to the EYA Festival (Winners Event), present the project, product or application there and receive the award personally. Travel costs will be covered with a lump sum. Accommodation will be provided.
The EYA Festival will take place in Graz (Austria), from 18 to 21 November 2016.
Further details:
European Youth Award, 2016