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16-23/10/2016 - Training Course: "Find Your Place" (Romania)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Παρασκευή, Αύγουστος 19, 2016

During the course we will explore and learn concepts such as employability, career guidance, coaching, mentoring, empowerment, translation of experience into competences, action planning, project based learning and sustainable economy. Through this training we support the participants in exploring these concepts within the context of their personal and professional life. The practices experienced during the course will be translated into educational tools, methods and activities to be used in the youth field, for the personal and professional development of young people.

Topics of the course:
EMPLOYABILITY – exploring elements of employability, causes of unemployment and looking for solutions to solve the challenges.
CAREER GUIDANCE THROUGH COACHING AND MENTORING – using specific tools and techniques to guide and counsel the youth in self-discovery processes and professional choices.
EMPOWERMENT – working on personal level to develop self-efficacy, courage, self-confidence and motivation by using different strategies and approaches.
TRANSLATION OF EXPERIENCE INTO COMPETENCES – exploring personal and professional experiences and translating them into key competences, using various tools and techniques.
ACTION PLANNING – creating and implementing action plans in a sustainable and practical way, in order to reach professional and personal goals. Using action plan as a specific tool for enhancing young people’s employability.
PROJECT BASED LEARNING – working with an experiential pedagogy, by bringing the protagonists in a learning environment similar with reality, in order to increase and accelerate the development of specific employability competences.
SUSTAINABLE ECONOMY – understanding principles of macro and micro economics and developing financial intelligence in order to facilitate the adaptation of young people in the present economic conditions.

Training Objectives:
1) To create a space for learning, sharing and finding solutions to the challenges that young people face on the job market.
2) To experience non-formal education and experiential learning methods and tools connected with the topics of the course and provide a frame of transferability for using the methods in specific professional environments connected with youth employability.
3) To contribute to the personal development of participants and increasing their motivation to act as responsible members of the world wide community who are supporting authentic youth development.
4) To give the opportunity to improve the experienced methods and develop together new experiential and non-formal educational activities on the topics of the training, for sustainability and continuity of the course.

The Training Course consists of 6 full training days, which form a progressive learning process. Each day has a specific dynamic and topics. The course is based on non-formal education principles and methods, thus the participants will play an active role in the learning process. Self-directed learning is an important aspect of this training, so the participants will be challenged to take responsibility and initiative for their own learning and development.

Read More:
Training Course: "Find Your Place"

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