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Child Psychologist at Ιnternational Rescue Committee (Athens)

Ιnternational Rescue Committee seeks for:
- Child Psychologist

- The qualified candidate must be a child psychologist with extensive psychosocial programming experience with 5 + years’ experience in setting up or implementing psychosocial programs for children and adolescents at national and international levels.
- Knowledge of and experience in using established inter-agency standards and guidelines in MHPSS and child protection, such as the IASC Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings, the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, Inter-agency Guidelines on Separated and Unaccompanied Children, Safe Healing and Learning Spaces Handbook and IASC Guidelines in Emergencies.
- Significant experience in working in child protection in emergencies, particularly on Child Friendly Spaces and psychosocial programs.
- Knowledge of tools for assessment of the Mental Health and Psychosocial Wellbeing of Children in the Context of Humanitarian Emergencies.
- Experience in monitoring and evaluation of psychosocial programs and feeding learning into program design.
- Experience working on the inclusion of hard to reach groups of children and adolescents.
- Experience of working in camp contexts.
- Cultural awareness and sensitivity.
- Self-awareness and proven ability to operate successfully in different cultural environments
- An excellent command of verbal and written English.
- Arabic Language is great advantage.

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