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24-30/10/2016 - Training Course: Educate Me(dia) (Poland)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Πέμπτη, Σεπτέμβριος 1, 2016

Educate Me(dia) is a short training course helps participants to develop media literacy skills, understand how to develop empathy with the message sender or receiver and how to be effective in communication.

By the end of the course participants will be able to:
- use media technologies effectively to access, store, retrieve and share content to meet their individual and community needs and interests;
- understand how and why media content is produced;
- analyse critically the techniques, languages and conventions used by the media, and the messages they convey;
- use media creatively to express and communicate ideas, information and opinions;
- identify, and avoid or challenge, media content and services that may be unsolicited, offensive or harmful;
- make effective use of media in the exercise of their democratic rights and civic responsibilities;
- learn the skills and understand cross-cultural communication;
- explore the concept of being an active citizen and what this means at the level of the EU
- understand how media can influence diversity and multiculturalism positive effect for the continent.
- learn how to develop further partnerships within Europe and acquire funding to develop project sponsorship opportunities for mobility.

This course is designed to be interactive and based on experiential learning. It focuses on topics such as: media literacy in the digital age; teaching youth to critically read and create media; influences of media upon cultural identity, intercultural conflict management and intercultural communication.

Read More:
Training Course: Educate Me(dia) (Poland)

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Οικονομικό Καθεστώς Προγράμματος Διά Βίου Μάθησης: 
Γεωγραφική Περιοχή: 


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