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20-25/08/2016 - Summer University for Security Studies (Kosovo)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Τετάρτη, Αύγουστος 17, 2016

Kosovo Youth Atlantic Treaty Association has the immense pleasure of inviting you to participate in this event: Summer University for Security Studies, which will be held for the 6th anniversary of KYATA.

This year the Summer University, will be held in Kosovo, from 20-25 of August 2016. In this Summer University various levels of security, institutions, levels that must be understood by students and young scholars, and receive briefing by best experts and guest speakers on the topics, mentioned in agenda will be presented.

This one-week program will give students an in-depth look into the ways in which thinking and speaking about security have changed over time, and how stakeholders on various levels deal with conflicts and security, ranging from the international arena to the state and from private security companies to communities and individuals.

Topics that will be discussed include:
- International security and new wars unconventional threats;
- Responsibility to protect;
- National security in a globalizing world;
- Private security companies;
- Gated communities, and citizens’ initiatives in war situations;
- Terrorism, international terrorist organization, how to defeat terrorist groups;
- International security organizations;
- Refugees crises.

- Students with different academic backgrounds and a general interest in Security, Euro-Atlantic integration, International Relations, Diplomacy etc.;
- Former classes consisted of regular students and practitioners such as civil servants, communication experts, young politicians and even parliamentary officials;
- The course does not require special knowledge about security policies and institutions, European politics, law, history or culture, but participants should be interested in more than just their field of specialization;
- In class participation, especially in the discussions with experts, is essential for the course success and plays an important role in grading.

Deadline: 17/08/2016.

Read More:
Summer University for Security Studies (Kosovo)

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