We are looking for highly motivated, outstanding graduate and postdoc researchers. Currently we offer four PhD and postdoctoral positions.
Open Positions
1) a PhD candidate or postdoctoral researcher position in our “Bioinspired and Bio mimicking Legged Robot Locomotion” project, with focus on design and development of novel electrically actuated closed loop systems for legged robot locomotion.
2) a PhD candidate or postdoctoral researcher position in our “Bioinspired and Bio-mimicking Legged Robot Locomotion” project, with focus on design of novel dynamically legged robots, and locomotion mechanics.
3) a PhD candidate or postdoctoral researcher position in our “Bioinspired and Bio-mimicking Legged Robot Locomotion” project, with focus on multibody robot simulation, dynamic robot simulation, and locomotion control.
4) a PhD candidate or postdoctoral researcher position in our “Bioinspired and Bio-mimicking Legged Robot Locomotion” project, with focus on applied human and animal locomotion biomechanics, and human exoskeleton development.
Further details: