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Faces of Europe – Your Vision for Europe, 2016

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Κυριακή, Αύγουστος 28, 2016

Faces of Europe is a photoblog launched by the Your Vision for EUrope project of AEGEE-Europe that aims to show the human diversity of the European continent. Europe is rich of cultures, identities and traditions. The aim is through the photoblogs to share and visualize the amazing stories of everyday Europeans in an up-close and personal way. Inspired by the famous Humans of New York, the photoblog wants to collect and spread the faces and voices of people from different social, cultural and national backgrounds and to find out what ‘Europe’ means to them. Launched in January 2016, Faces of Europe has now been active for six months. They have published regularly high quality photoblogs created by many reporters coming from all over Europe. With this competition the project aims to gather stories about unusual trips, new experiences and unexpected encounters which express new perspectives, interpretations and viewpoints on Europe.

- Create a photoblog of yourself or a person you met during your summertime;
- The photoblog should consist of a picture and a text of around 150 words which tells the story of the person portrayed;
- The style of the photoblog submitted should be in line with that of those published on the Facebook page of Faces of Europe.

The 15 best stories will be published in September.

Further details:


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