The Imre Kertész Kolleg invites applications for fellowships for 2015/2016 for a period up to twelve months. Fellows are expected to conduct a larger scholarly project corresponding to the research profile of the Kolleg. Fellows are expected to work at the Imre Kertész Kolleg and to reside in Jena. Long-term fellowships normally start in October or April, individual arrangements are subject to negotiation.
There are five main areas of research at the Kolleg: war, violence, and oppression; statehood; the breakthrough to modernity; intellectual horizons; and history and the public sphere. The Kolleg’s transnational perspective on the entire region of East Central and Southeastern Europe makes it possible to determine common lines of development and specific differences among the countries, and to form a new foundation for a historical analysis of historical events in this region.
Applications are invited from noted and established scholars in the history of Eastern Europe or neighboring disciplines with a clear preference for projects focusing on East Central and South Eastern Europe.
Stipends range from 3.000 to 5.300 euros per month according to the academic position at the home institution. The Kolleg will provide fully equipped work space, support by student research assistants, and will help finding appropriate accommodation in Jena.
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