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Young European of the Year Award - Travel Fellowships and InterRail-Global-Passes, 2016

The aim of the foundation is to support the development of young people to be politically conscious and responsible personalities and to support the European process.
The Heinz-Schwarzkopf-Foundation Young Europe was founded in 1971 in Hamburg. The Foundation has an office in Berlin to co-ordinate its activities in eastern Europe.

Young European of the Year Award
Since 1991 the Foundation supports the European Youth Parliament. The EYP aims to promote the European dimension in education and to give students in the 18-26 age group the opportunity to participate in a practical, positive learning experience.

For further information on this:

Every year the Foundation awards in co-operation with the European Youth Parliament the "The Young European of the Year". This is an opportunity to nominate a young person between 18 and 26 years old who has dedicated themselves in a particular way to European communication and integration. The award is financed with EUR 5.000 to be used to finance a six-month practical traineeship with a Member of the European Parliament or another European institution. It is also possible to use the award to finance a project which promotes European integration.

The deadline for applications was 10 June 2016.
Find out more:

Travel Scholarships
Every year the Foundation finances classical travel scholarship awards (EUR 550) to young people between 18 and 26 years of age.The scholarship should enable young people to discover and discuss the different social and political questions in the host country. A final report on the journey and the different experiences should be written afterwards. There is a contest on the best travel reports at the end of every year.
Non-German young people may only get funding for travelling in Germany and should have a certain knowledge of the German language.

The deadline for applications for travel scholarships are each year on 1 March and 1 September.
Applications should arrive approximately eight weeks before the start of the journey.

The application forms are in German. For the Young European of the Year Award you may also contact the European Youth Parliament in your country.
You can find a list of addresses on:

InterRail-Global Passes
The InterRail-Global Passes, in cooperation with Deutsche Bahn, is a travel grant giving young people the opportunity to travel into 30 European countries including Turkey during a period up to one month.
The ticket is usually sold for EUR 450 and is valid for four weeks.
Young people between 17 and 25 years who have permanently lived in the EU, the Russia or Turkey may apply for this grant.

The trip has to be done under the working topic of “Climate-friendly mobility in Europe and the railways”. Not later than three months after the journey, the stipendiary is requested to submit a detailed report explaining the research topic, the concrete findings and a reflection on the experiences and impressions from the trip.The report will be published by the Foundation.

1 March or 1 September. (For administrative reasons, the trip can start not earlier than May 1st for the March deadline and not earlier than November 1st or the September deadline)

Further details:
Young European of the Year Award - Travel Fellowships and InterRail-Global-Passes

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