"Grow Roots in the Countryside" is a training course that intends to create helping local networks to encourage young people to start sustainable projects and green entrepreneurship in rural areas. Also, to create bridges between people who is creating similar projects in towns and villages. With this course, we would like to help people to stablish in rural areas keeping the identity and the culture of villages. We also hope to encourage participants to create new forms of relationship in their local projects.
Main objective: To exchange innovative experiences on selfsufficient and selfemployment in rural areas between different countries and different organizations.
- To analize ecobuilding methods (through Yurts in North of Spain), adapted to your country in order to create colective work places
- To facilitate deep knowledges about organic agriculture and agroecology
- To analize ways of colective helping and how to create a network between projects
- Train new skills and competences that contribute to a healthy and sustainable life and community.
- To reflect about how the life and structure of villages and villagers are changing and what we can do to adapt to this new “lifestyles”
- Encourage young trainers and participants to create their own projects in european rural areas.
Target group:
- Social workers, trainers, facilitators and leaderships who are working under non-formal education with youngsters, unemployees and nature pasionate people in rural areas, encouraging them to create communitary projects.
- Social workers, trainers, facilitators and leaderships who are trying to bridge people between urban areas and rural areas
- People who are deeply interested in ecobuilding, agroecology, green enterpreneurship and support social networks in the countryside.
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“Training Course: "Grow Roots in the Countryside" (Spain)”